
Add notes to your images, responsively.

What is taggd?

Despite images say more than a thousands words, sometimes it’s just not enough. Taggd is a jQuery plugin that adds tags to your image.

1. Installation

Download the archive or browse the repository.

Then include it after your jQuery file.

<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.taggd.js"></script>

Optionally you can use include (and edit) the css file as well.

<link href="css/taggd.css" />

2. Configuration

var options = {

  // Aligning the text popups
  align: {
    x: 'center', // left, center or right
    y: 'center'  // top,  center or bottom

  // The (relative) offset of the popups in pixels
  offset: {
    left: 0, // horizontal offset
    top: 12  // vertical offset

  // event handlers of the tags
  handlers: {

    // Any vanilla JavaScript event is a valid key
    click: function(e) {
      alert('You clicked a button');

      this; // the DOM Node
      e;    // the Event

    // For convenience, you can use strings to
    // show, hide and toggle the popups
    mouseenter: 'show',
    mouseleave: 'hide'


// The magic comes together here
$('.taggd').taggd( options, data );

3. What is “data” and how do I get it?

Data are the tags. Taggd accepts different formats, so pay close attention!

var data = [
  // x and y values can be decimals (0-1)
    x: 0.512,
    y: 0.33,

    // (Optional) Set the text of the popup.
    // If omitted, no popup window will appear.
    text: 'Huey',

    // (Optional) Set the element’s attributes.
    attributes: {
    	id:    'my-id',
    	class: 'my-class'

  // x and y values can be in pixels too
  // Don’t you worry, they will scale perfectly
    x: 1052,
    y: 356,
    text: 'Duwey'

As noted in the comments, whatever unit you use, they will scale. The coordinates are always right.

Not sure how to get them? I’ve made a generator to get coordinates.

4. The API

But other than putting in data, you can do more with Taggd!

Managing data

// Replace existing data with new data
taggd.setData( [ ... ] );

// Add new items
taggd.addData( { ... } );            // one item or
taggd.addData( [{ ... }, { ... }] ); // multiple items

// Get rid of all the tags

// Undo everthing Taggd did

Show/hide/toggle tags

// Show/hide/toggle all items

These three methods all accept the following arguments.

// A specific index
taggd.show( 1 );

// A CSS selector
taggd.show( '#el-one, :nth-child(1)' );

// A jQuery element
taggd.show( $('#el-two') );

// An array containing any of the formats above
taggd.show( ['#el-one', 1] );

// A function that returns true or false
taggd.show(function(i, e) {

  // Show if tag contains a search query
  return data[i].text.indexOf(search_query);


These methods can be chained.

taggd.hide().show( 1 );


1. Basic

var options = {
  align: {
    y: 'bottom'

  offset: {
    top: -35

  handlers: {
    mouseenter: 'show',
    mouseleave: 'hide'

var data = [
  // pixel-based coordinates
  { x: 1099,  y: 220,  text: 'Dave'   },

  // 0-1 coordinates
  { x: 0.431, y: 0.33, text: 'Phil'   },
  { x: 0.468, y: 0.28, text: 'Steven' }

2. Click to toggle

var options = {
  handlers: {
    click: 'toggle'

4. Custom data and extern link

var options = {
  handlers: {
     click: function( e, data ) {
        'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + data.uri,

var data = [
    x: 0.1,
    y: 0.54,
    text: 'Auto Rickshaw',
    uri: 'Auto_rickshaw'

    x: 0.49,
    y: 0.57,
    text: 'Registration Plate',
    uri: 'Vehicle_registration_plate'

    x: 0.38,
    y: 0.9,
    text: 'Lighting',
    uri: 'Automotive_lighting'